Monday 12 November 2007

Only 2 and a bit weeks to go!

Does time fly! Final exams are coming up end of next week and the
classes officially finish with a party on 5th December! At the moment
I'm torn between studying and trying to go out as much as I can on
the weekends - not that I go out that much, but it seems like there
are so many places I still want to go in Beijing, and there are so
little time left. The other thing is to try to catch up with as many
friends as possible - as I might not see some of them again!

In the end, I ended up balancing everything (of course!)- not that I
don't need to study more. 6 hours a day of classes (if I haven't
mentioned earlier), is hard work - usually after doing homework,
there is little time left to prepare for the next lesson, let alone
revise the previous as a result, i find myself doing
remembering today's words, but forgetting previous a lot of
revision to do!!!

At this point, I decided to come back to BLCU again next year for the
Spring semester. I was tossing up between coming back or to go to a
different city, but I thought Beijing is probably the best place to
study Mandarin and I really like BLCU's program, even if there are a
lot of English speakers, making it tempting to just speak English all
the time. I thought I might as well continue to study rather than
just leaving it here, otherwise I'll probably just forget everything.

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