Saturday 17 November 2007


Zhu 老师 just made a comment on Facebook to encourage me: "加油!"add oil" - a Chinese way of saying "Keep fighting, keep going, etc". 谢谢 Zhu 老师!

Actually, reading back on my previous entries, it seems like I'm feeling a bit negative about it all, it's only because I feel tired. I am actually really enjoying the course and the challenge - this is part of what I am here for and challenges can only make us grow. I really feel very happy and fortunate to be in Beijing. It has always been my dream to study and live in another country. I have made so many wonderful friends and I think we are all creating wonderful memories for ourselves. I don't want to go home, and get back into the real world just yet! : )
Today has been quite relaxing for me. Thanks to the class "汉字比赛" - chinese words writing competition yesterday (which was a lot of fun, by the way), we only have one homework. I studied in the morning, and had lunch and spent the afternoon and evening with friends - couldn't ask for a better way to have a good time! 

1 comment:

Vanto said...

加油~努力~As a Chinese.I'm glad to hear that you have a happy time in China.